Diabetes research can’t happen without the help of people living with diabetes.

You can play a vital role by taking part in a research study or trial.

Scientists need your help to prevent diabetes, find new treatments, improve care, and ultimately, stop diabetes in its tracks.

But before new treatments can benefit people living with diabetes, they must be carefully tested to work out if they're safe, what the side effects are and whether they're better than treatments we already have. By volunteering to take part, you could play a crucial part in the fight for a world where diabetes can do no harm.

You can get involved in research at any time, but did you know many clinical trials testing new treatments to stop Type 1 diabetes in its tracks can only recruit people within the first six months of their diagnosis?

  • ADDRESS-2 is meeting the challenge and recruiting people with Type 1 diabetes to clinical trials pioneering new immunotherapies to slow or stop Type 1 in its tracks.
  • The Type 1 diabetes Immunotherapy Consortium (T1D UK) brings together researchers from across the UK to run trials that develop and test new immunotherapies.
  • TrialNet is an international network of leading academic institutions, scientists and healthcare teams dedicated to the prevention of Type 1 diabetes, by working with both people living with Type 1 diabetes and their families.

Whether it's a clinical trial, an interview or a questionnaire, research breakthroughs can only happen with your support. 

We list opportunities for getting involved here. If you would like to take part in a clinical trial, you should always consult your healthcare team and speak to the healthcare professionals involved in the study. 

All clinical trials are reviewed to ensure they are fair to participants and have the necessary ethical approval before advertising on this page. 

Research area

Experience of South Asians living with type 1 diabetes

An Interpretative Phenomenological Approach on the experiences of British South Asians living with type 1 diabetes and the impact of culture on the management of their treatment. 
Cardiff University
UK wide
July 2024
December 2024

Researchers at Cardiff University would like to recruit people aged 18 and over, from a South Asian background and living with type 1 diabetes to take part in their study. They hope to explore the experiences of the South Asian voice in the diagnosis and management of type 1, to inform future research and clinical practices. 

How do you find the new insulin designs?

Evaluating User Feedback on Innovative Technological Designs for Lipohypertrophy Prevention
King's College London
July 2024
July 2024

Researchers at King's College London are seeking participants aged 18 and over, with any type of diabetes and currently using an insulin pen, for a study on lipohypertrophy. This is a common side effect of insulin use, where lumps of fat form under the skin at injection sites. It can cause the body to take in less insulin than it should, potentially leading to serious complications. And so the study aims to develop new technology for insulin injection to prevent this issue.

Can seaweed help people with prediabetes?

Prevention in prediabetic patients of infection’s morbidity following a high fiber and vegetal protein diet: PreVegDiet Study
University of Roehampton
Clinical trial
December 2023
July 2025

Researchers at the University of Roehampton would like to recruit people aged 18-65 years, with prediabetes (HbA1c between 39-46mmol/mol) and without prediabetes, to participate in a study that aims to investigate the effects of seaweed extracts and a Mediterranean diet on health and blood sugar levels.

The study has three arms:

What would you want to say to type 1 diabetes and disordered eating?

All the things I would say: A thematic analysis of letters written to type 1 diabetes and an eating disorder (T1DE).
University of Hertfordshire
UK wide
February 2024
February 2025

Researchers at the University of Hertfordshire would like to recruit people aged 18 and over, living with type 1 diabetes and who've experienced an eating disorder or disordered eating (T1DE) to take part in a study that is exploring individual’s experiences of and relationship with T1DE, and how their identity has been impacted.

Take part in insulin trial for type 2 at home

Pan-European proof-of-concept study comparing Decentralised Clinical Trial (DCT) and hybrid approaches to conventional clinical trial approaches in patients with Type 2 diabetews mellitus treated with Toujeo
University Medical Center Utrecht
UK wide
Clinical trial
December 2023
May 2024

Researchers at University Medical Center Utrecht (on behalf of EU/EFPIA Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking Trials@Home) would like to recruit people aged over 18 with type 2 diabetes, who are treated with insulin already but not optimally controlled, to take part in a clinical trial testing a long-acting basal insulin (Toujeo®). They hope to find out if people can participate in this trial at their own homes, with researchers at Newcastle Trust following their treatment remotely.

Getting to know your food orders

B-Fed Online randomised control trial: A simulation of Staff canteen food digital ordering scenario
Abertay University and Reveal My Food
UK wide
March 2024
September 2024

Researchers at University of Abertay would like to recruit people aged over 18 with diet-related conditions, including diabetes, to see if and how the digital food ordering app, Reveal My Food, could support people’s daily dietary decisions. The researchers hope this tool could potentially ensure the safety and improve the quality of the diet of employees in larger workplaces.

Mobile health apps use in hospital

Use of mobile health apps in hospitals - understanding service provider behaviours and service user experience
University of West London
UK wide
Questionnaire Interview
May 2024
August 2024

Researchers at University of West London would like to recruit people aged over 18 living with a long-term condition, including diabetes, to take part in a study to help them understand and improve the user experience of mobile health apps in hospital.

Taking part involves a10-minute online survey. Additionally, please contact the researcher if you are also interested in participating in the optional interview. 

What is your experience living with psychosis and diabetes?

Experience Based Co-design of Psychosis Centered Integrated Care Services for Ethnically Diverse People with Multimorbidity (CoPICS) 
University of Oxford
UK wide
July 2024
November 2024

Researchers at the University of Oxford would like to recruit people over the age of 18 who have experience of psychosis and at least 2 long-term physical health conditions, including diabetes to take part in their study. They hope to improve the care of people living with psychosis and multiple long-term conditions by co-designing resources based on their living experiences.  

PANORAMIC: A trial of antivirals to treat coronavirus

Platform Adaptive trial of NOvel antiviRals for eArly treatMent of Covid-19 in the Community
University of Oxford
UK wide
Clinical trial
December 2021

Vaccines remain the best way to protect against coronavirus (Covid), but other treatments called antivirals have now been developed that can be used to treat people as soon as possible after they've been infected.

Our Future Health

Our Future Health
Our Future Health
UK wide
Connect with researchers Clinical trial
July 2022
December 2025

Researchers at Our Future Health would like to recruit 5 million people aged 18 and over to take part in a new study designed to help researchers discover new ways to prevent, detect and treat common health conditions like diabetes, cancer, and dementia. 

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