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Your experience navigating menopause and perimenopause with diabetes

September 2024
December 2024
UK wide
Ulster University
Identifying the unique experiences of perimenopause and menopause amongst women with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes to inform future practice

Researchers at Ulster University would like to recruit women with type 1 or type 2 #diabetes, who are experiencing/have experienced menopause or perimenopause symptoms to take part. They hope to identify the gap in knowledge about how peri/menopause can affect diabetes, and vice versa. Findings from the study could help inform future services and support for women. 

The team especially want to hear from women from minority groups, who have historically been under-represented by research. 

Taking part will involve an online focus group lasting about one hour, along with 8-10 other participants and two members of the research team. You'll also be asked to complete one short questionnaire to give background information about you and your diabetes. Completion of the questionnaire is not essential to taking part in the focus group but it will help the team to understand who has taken part. You will receive a £15 shopping voucher, as a thank you for your time. 

Please contact Dr Rachel Black ( for more information.

Next Review Date
Next review due
01 January 2025
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