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Putting my type 2 diabetes into remission by learning how to make changes to my diet.

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Magdalena who was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes is determined to be even more active to keep on top of the condition.I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes ten years ago. One of eight child
"It's really rewarding to know I'm helping others who are in the same position I was after my diagnosis with Type 2 diabetes."
Bernard talks about how he copes with episodic strokes and believes diabetes is to blame for his ongoing health complications.Having been a Type 2 diabetic since the early 1980s, and since
Diabetes UK Community Champion Tabassuma Akramul, who features on BBC1's Inside Out programme (East Midlands), highlights the importance of raising awareness of Type 2 diabetes within her communit
Carol was in denial about her Type 2 diabetes for years, but is now training for a triathlon and determined to live a long happy life.
Manjula was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes five years ago.
Arthur Smart, 67, who was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2006, was named Diabetes UK’s East of England Volunteer of the Year in 2016. Arthur calculates that he might have had Type 2 di
In 2011, Diabetes UK funded a groundbreaking research trial at Newcastle University that aimed to mimic the effects of weight loss surgery using a less invasive approach and to clarify the mechanis
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