Peter finds that regular exercise helps improve management of Type 2 diabetes.
I am 60 years of age and I have Type 2 diabetes. I was first diagnosed in 2000-2001. For many years prior to my diagnosis I was treated for depression. I still suffer with depression, mostly in the mornings. My doctors then would not listen to me. I never took the tablets, but took up sport instead. I have always been a rugby-size person. I ignored my weight and simply trained more. I trained every day which helped my depression. But the training damaged my body.
I work hard on controlling my condition. I do find I have worse control when I do not do any activity. I try and swim everyday. But I cannot always because of my other conditions.
Looking back I am convinced I was a diabetic for 15 to 20 years before 2000. I have a wonderful diabetic team that look after me at the Royal Cornwall hospital at Treliske in Cornwall. One thing I would ask the medical profession is to test more people on a regular basis. I would also like to thank Diabeties UK for there help.