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Putting my type 2 diabetes into remission by learning how to make changes to my diet.

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Neil Finch's 'tough little boy' inspired him to brave the charity mud race Tough Mudder
Diagnosis"I was diagnosed with diabetes when I was aged 11.
James, 44, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when he was aged 12 and also has the condition Charcot-Marie-Tooth, which is a muscle wasting condition that means he has to wear calipers on his legs.
PE teacher Shane thought all was in order for the school trip to Italy, but hadn't counted on things going wrong so early on...I run a lot of school trips and a couple of years ago had a g
Angela, a primary school teacher who also has diabetes and is insulin dependent, was able to spot the symptoms of diabetes in a pupil and talk to her about potential options.I am a primary
When Matt Edwards lost his sister-in-law in 2015 due to complications with Type 1 diabetes, he made a promise to himself and to her that he would run the marathon quicker than it took the ambulance
Rachel took on a 96-mile trek across Scotland to raise awareness of diabetes.
DiagnosisI was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes on 21 May 2003 when I was 12 years old.
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