"Connie was 4 at the time she was diagnosed, she does 4 injections a day and so I set myself 4 consecutive 45 minute spin classes as a challenge."
Anna was just 13 years of age when to the shock of her whole family she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. That was in February 1995, now 34 years old Anna has always managed her condition very well, maintaining a good hba1c.
Exactly 21 years later to the month Anna’s daughter, Connie, was also diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. As both Connie’s support and mentor for her diabetes (as well as her Mummy), Anna chose to raise money to fund vital diabetes research. Inspired, passionate and completely commited, she vowed to try her hardest to raise as much as possible for her daughters future.
“To say I was shocked when Connie was diagnosed is an understatement. My son, Charlie, aged 6 has never presented any symptoms of diabetes. But in February of this year (2016) I noticed Connie had a few days of drinking constantly and frequently passing urine. I told my husband, Matt, that I suspected she had diabetes.
After two days of being like this I crept into her room one night and pricked her finger in her sleep with my kit, she didn’t even move. The meter just read HI. I did it again, then did my own, then did my sons, both of which were in normal range. I rang the 111 service, but I just knew.
We went straight to A&E and as they say, the rest is history. Connie has been fantastic, four jabs a day doesn’t faze her, I think maybe seeing Mummy do it has helped.
The support we have received has been fantastic and I really wanted to give something back. I enjoy exercise and regularly attend a 45 minute spin class at my local gym, Universal Fitness. Its hard work and a real challenge, especially with having to monitor my sugar levels before and after.
Then it came to me that spinning is what I can do to raise money for Diabetes UK. Connie was 4 at the time and she does 4 injections a day. So I thought 4 consecutive 45 minute spin classes with no break would be the challenge I set myself.
To put it into perspective that’s the equivalent of 2 football matches with no half time break. On Saturday 8 Oct at 10am I started my challenge with many friends and family coming to watch. Connie was helping with a cake sale and cheering me on. To my delight all the spin bikes for all 4 classes were fully booked with all class costs being donated.
It was extremely hard but I did it! On just the Saturday morning alone we raised £520.25 in our DUK bucket, plus some incredibly kind friends and family members raised £300 of sponsorship money. A special thank you to Diane Stace and Dave Kent for their help. In total on myJustGiving pageI managed to raise a whopping £1,885.25.”
With Anna and Connie's fundraising we can continue to be the UK’s leading charitable funder of diabetes research. Enabling us to improve lives through pioneering studies into all forms of diabetes, its complications and causes, whilst making life changing breakthroughs in care, treatment and prevention.
Their support takes us ever closer to our vision of a world where diabetes can do no harm.
Feeling inspired by Anna and Connie’s story? Order ourfundraising packand fight diabetes Your Way.