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Putting my type 2 diabetes into remission by learning how to make changes to my diet.

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Peter finds that regular exercise helps improve management of Type 2 diabetes. I am 60 years of age and I have Type 2 diabetes. I was first diagnosed in 2000-2001.
"I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetic when I was 21 and was put onto tablets which progressed to insulin when I became pregnant.
Alan decided to take better care of himself after a series of health problems including Type 2 diabetes. I turned 69 on 2nd November.
When Mack was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes aged 62, he was so depressed he took to his bed.
Bob, who  has been raising funds for Diabetes Scotland since 2012, has collected over £5,000.
Steve, 27, was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes after being treated for a rare lung disease and has developed a passion for fitness.
Magdalena who was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes is determined to be even more active to keep on top of the condition.I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes ten years ago. One of eight child
"It's really rewarding to know I'm helping others who are in the same position I was after my diagnosis with Type 2 diabetes."
Diabetes UK Community Champion Tabassuma Akramul, who features on BBC1's Inside Out programme (East Midlands), highlights the importance of raising awareness of Type 2 diabetes within her communit
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