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Putting my type 2 diabetes into remission by learning how to make changes to my diet.

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Being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes came out of the blue for Rob, but he was determined to learn as much as he could about his condition so it wouldn’t hold him back.
Charlotte is 28 years old and lives in London. She is training to be a professional wrestler. And has had Type 1 diabetes since she was three years old.
Tom started learning guitar a few years before he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes age 13.
Going to university meant having to tell a brand new set of people about my Type 1 diabetes, and that definitely made me feel nervous.
Jason has lost 17 stone and his Type 2 diabetes is in remission after a gastric bypass.
When you follow your dreams, you learn new ways to manage your diabetes, says Ann. August 1987, I lay in bed desperately thirsty wondering how long it would be before I needed to get up a
I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when I was six years old, so have lived with the condition for most of my life. But however much experience you have of living with diabetes, moving away from
Kaja was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes towards the end of her first term at university, after a bout of suspected freshers' flu.  
Brian has found exercising and diabetes can go together with a little help from his insulin pump and a different approach. I've had Type 1 diabetes for just over three years now.
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