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Putting my type 2 diabetes into remission by learning how to make changes to my diet.

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Steve smiling in his One Million Steps T-shirt
Steve explains how reaching out for support helped him come to terms with his type 2 diabetes diagnosis, and how the One Million Step Challenge empowered him to change his life. 
A young child in a high-chair eating food
Mendy's son, Moshe, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2017, aged 11 months.
George West walking near cliffs
George is a medical student who has been living with type 1 diabetes since his diagnosis four years ago.
Deborah wearing a beekeeper suit
Having history of type 2 in her family, Deborah wasn’t shocked to find out she was potentially at risk. But knowing how dangerous diabete
Abdul helps clear up myths about diabetes as one of our volunteers. He wants to do the same with the vaccine and has posted short videos in Urdu and English on Facebook.
Forth Valley T1D Families Group volunteers: Left Leanne Browne (Secretary), middle Julie Catlin (Chair) and right Jillian Muir (Treasurer)
Sarita, 82, has been using video chat to keep in touch with her children and three grandchildren during the pandemic. She recently received the first dose of her coronavirus vaccine.
Helen Brown in garden smiling
Helen has been taking part in the One Million Step Challenge for four years as a way to get fit and channel her grief from losing her father and brother into something positive.
Hannah smiles to the camera, holding her dog
Hannah loves her job as a specialist stroke nurse.
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