Diabetes research can’t happen without the help of people living with diabetes.

You can play a vital role by taking part in a research study or trial.

Scientists need your help to prevent diabetes, find new treatments, improve care, and ultimately, stop diabetes in its tracks.

But before new treatments can benefit people living with diabetes, they must be carefully tested to work out if they're safe, what the side effects are and whether they're better than treatments we already have. By volunteering to take part, you could play a crucial part in the fight for a world where diabetes can do no harm.

You can get involved in research at any time, but did you know many clinical trials testing new treatments to stop Type 1 diabetes in its tracks can only recruit people within the first six months of their diagnosis?

  • ADDRESS-2 is meeting the challenge and recruiting people with Type 1 diabetes to clinical trials pioneering new immunotherapies to slow or stop Type 1 in its tracks.
  • The Type 1 diabetes Immunotherapy Consortium (T1D UK) brings together researchers from across the UK to run trials that develop and test new immunotherapies.
  • TrialNet is an international network of leading academic institutions, scientists and healthcare teams dedicated to the prevention of Type 1 diabetes, by working with both people living with Type 1 diabetes and their families.

Whether it's trying a new treatment, or filling out a questionnaire, research breakthroughs can only happen with your support. 

We've answered some common questions about taking part in diabetes research - including who can get involved, the types of studies available, and what the benefits and potential risks are.

Take a look at opportunities for getting involved here. Some you can take part in from home, while others will involve visiting a research clinic. If something catches your eye, get in touch with the study team to find out more. Without you, research can't move forward.

Type of diabetes
Type of study

Your experience with eye care and health services

Exploring children and adult experiences of genetic eye diseases
University College London
UK wide
September 2024
December 2024

Researchers at University College London would like to recruit people over the age of 18 living with diabetic eye condition to participate in a study about their experiences with eye care and health services. The aim is to better understand their needs and preferences, as well as identify inequalities. And this research hopes to contribute to improving healthcare services and outcomes for those affected.

Testing new treatment for foot pain

A Multimodal Manual Therapy-Based Intervention for People with Painful Diabetic Neuropathy: Feasibility of a Randomised Controlled Trial
University College of Osteopathy
Clinical trial
April 2024
October 2024

Researchers at the University College of Osteopathy in London would like to recruit people aged over 18 living with any type of diabetes, and experiencing nerve pain in feet, to take part in a study that is testing a new medication-free treatment. This new intervention, NeuOst, will include hands-on therapy, exercises, and pain management techniques.

Do you find healthcare difficult to access or understand?

Primary care interventions for those with multiple long-term health conditions. Is health literacy being taken into account? An interview study
Keele University
UK wide
July 2024
August 2024

Researchers at Keele University would like to recruit people aged 18 and above, who are living with two or more long-term health conditions, including diabetes, to take part in a study that helps them understand your experience better. They would like to know how the healthcare you get to help manage your health can be improved, and if you find healthcare difficult to access or understand. 

Help BEAT Diabetes by taking part in research

Helping people with diabetes get involved in a wide range of NHS research opportunities including patient and public involvement, questionnaires, focus groups and clinical trials
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
North-west England (Greater Manchester, Cheshire & Merseyside, Lancashire & South Cumbria)
Connect with researchers
January 2020

People with diabetes aged 18+ can register their details with Research for the Future to receive information about local NHS diabetes research opportunities. It’s free to join and doesn’t commit you to take part in any studies. 

Testing smart devices to prevent diabetic foot ulcers

REAL PRETECTION - Preventing diabetic foot ulcers using real-time foot pressure monitoring and alert technologies
Manchester Metropolitan University, Keele University and Lancaster University
Leeds, Manchester, Keele, Lancaster
Clinical trial
January 2025
February 2026

Researchers from Lancaster and Keele Universities are now recruiting people aged 18 and over with any type of diabetes-related peripheral neuropathy (nerve pain in the feet and hands caused by diabetes) to participate in a research study.

Examining links between perceptions of diabetes management and mental wellbeing in people living with type 1

Self-Efficacy and Resilience as a Predictor of Psychological Well-Being in Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes
Oxford Brookes University
December 2024
February 2025

Researchers at Oxford Brookes University would like to recruit people aged 18-25 , with type 1 diabetes, and who live in the UK to take part in a study that is examining links between people’s perceptions of how they manage their diabetes (their self-efficacy), resilience and mental wellbeing.

Developing pain management strategies

Individualised Investigation of an Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Chronic Pain
Middlesex University
Questionnaire Interview
February 2025
May 2025

Researchers at Middlesex University are looking for individuals aged 18 and older to take part in a study on pain management, including pain related to diabetes.

How might heat waves impact people with diabetes?

Perceived impact of heat wave events on daily health and management in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes
University of Newcastle
UK wide
March 2024
October 2024

Researchers at Newcastle University would like to recruit people aged over 18, living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes and have been diagnosed for least 2 years, to take part in a study that is

'Activity snacking' for type 1 diabetes

The effect of interrupting sitting with regular active breaks on glycaemia and daily insulin dose in sedentary people with type 1 diabetes (EXTActive) daily insulin dose in sedentary people with type 1 diabetes (EXTOD-Active)
University of Birmingham
UK wide
Clinical trial
February 2024
August 2025

Researchers at the University of Birmingham would like to recruit people aged 18-66 who've been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes for more than three years, use multiple daily injections or an insulin pump, and wear flashing glucose monitors, to take part in a new study. They're looking at if regular short breaks from sitting time, known as 'activity snacking' can help with glucose management in people living with type 1. 

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