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Putting my type 2 diabetes into remission by learning how to make changes to my diet.

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My pregnancy was without doubt the hardest thing I've ever done, but worth every minute to have baby James safe in my arms. My control wasn't as good as it should have been when we starte
Roy has used his experience to campaign for better foot care to make sure we can help prevent more amputations. I have five toes missing now, and my balance is compromised.
Carla's story "My story started at 36, by not feeling well. I lost a lot of weight very quickly and I was extremely tired all the time.
Despite being told by his doctor he couldn't do certain things, Matt has achieved his goals and puts it down to good control and a positive frame of mind.In 2000, at the age of 13, I was d
After a four-day trek, with high altitude playing havoc with her blood glucose levels, Jess's dream of completing the Machu Picchu's Inca trail came true.
Ally and her whole family formed a 10K running team to raise awareness and help other families affected by diabetes.
Julie is determined to make other people aware of the dangers of not looking after diabetes.My story is about my sister who had Type 1 diabetes.
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