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Putting my type 2 diabetes into remission by learning how to make changes to my diet.

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Ruth Waxman has been a diabetes healthcare campaigner since she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes two decades ago. Her journey has included setting up and chairing a Diabetes UK local gr
Aaron's story So this year I decided to do something I would remember for the rest of my life, something I never thought I would have the guts to actually do but always thought would be a
When Sophie first met her boyfriend, talking about her Type 1 diabetes wasn't the easiest thing for her. Now, ten years later, she shares her tips for managing Type 1 in a relationship.
After a period of letting things slide and not looking after his diabetes, Spencer is now on top of his game.I have been living with Type 1 diabetes for 23 years now and though I do not kn
Seven mums share their experiences of managing their child's diabetes. At diagnosis you’re thrown right into the deep end.
Mum Sara tells how a Diabetes UK Type 1 event made a world of difference to her daughter Lilly's life and helped the family turn the condition into a positive experience.
Oliver and his mum Sue would like to share the video they made about Oliver's diabetes.
Lois told her boyfriend Nick all about her Type 1 diabetes from the start, meaning he knew just what to do when she had a huge hypo a few dates in.
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