The Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care (JBDS-IP) aims to improve inpatient diabetes care across the UK through the development and use of high-quality, evidence-based guidelines and inpatient care pathways.
- New: Hyperglycaemic Crises Global Consensus Publication (July 2024) (PDF, 2MB)
- New: Glycaemic management during enteral feeding for people with diabetes in hospital (April 2024) (PDF, 3.79 MB)
- New: Using technology to support diabetes care in hospital (March 2024) (PDF, 3.77 MB)
- Diabetes at the Front Door (May 2023) (PDF, 3.77 MB)
- Self-management of diabetes in hospital with QR code (March 2023) (PDF, 1461 KB)
- Management of adults with diabetes on dialysis (March 2023) (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Management of adults with diabetes on dialysis - Summary of recommendations (March 2023) (PDF, 1.16 MB)
- Management of adults with diabetes on dialysis - Summary of recommendations (March 2023) (PDF, 1.16 MB)
- Discharge planning for adults with diabetes with QR code (March, 2023) (PDF, 1.68 MB)
Management of diabetic ketoacidosis in adults (March 2023) (PDF, 2,215KB)
New: Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Single page pathway (January 2023) (PDF, 1,397KB)
Intravenous Insulin Prescription and Fluid Protocol for Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) (PDF, 703KB)
Condensed adult Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) management chart. August 2017 (PDF, 83KB)
Nursing management for Diabetic Ketoacidosis (December 2022) (PDF, 490KB)
Inpatient Care of the Frail Older Adult with Diabetes (February 2023) (PDF, 3.04 MB)
New: Managing diabetes and hyperglycaemia during labour and birth (February 2023) (PDF, 3.95 MB)
- New: The Hospital Management of Hypoglycaemia in Adults with Diabetes Mellitus (January 2023) (PDF, 4.34 MB)
New: The management of glycaemic control in patients with cancer with QR code (January 2023) (PDF, 1.79 MB)
Oncology guideline pathways (January 2023) (PDF, 226 KB)
New: Guideline for Perioperative Care for People with Diabetes Mellitus Undergoing Elective and Emergency Surgery (October 2023) (PDF, 729 KB)
- New: Management of Hyperglycaemia and Steroid (Glucocorticoid) Therapy (January 2023) (PDF, 1.35 MB)
- The Management of Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic State (HHS) in Adults (February 2022) (PDF, 7.18 MB)
Self-management of diabetes in hospital ( Revised August 2021)
Assessment of hyperglycaemia in people taking steroids: Algorithm (PDF, 343 KB)
A good inpatient diabetes service (July 2019)
Management of glycaemic control in pregnant women with diabetes on obstetric wards and delivery units (May 2017)
Management of diabetes in adults and children with psychiatric disorders in inpatient settings (May 2017)
Use of variable rate intravenous insulin infusion (VRIII) in medical inpatients (October 2014)
Admissions avoidance and diabetes: guidance for Clinical Commissioning Groups and clinical teams (December 2013)
Management of the hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state (HHS) in adults with diabetes (August 2012)
The Rowan Hillson Insulin Safety Award
The Rowan Hillson awards aim to promote excellence in insulin safety. Each year the awards focus on a specific topic.
2022 winner: Best Interventions: Redesigning, rebuilding, and maintaining safe inpatient diabetes care during COVID: Digital Evaluation of Ketosis and Other Diabetes Emergencies project, Dr Punith Kempegowda on behalf of the DEKODE team and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trusts
2016 joint winner: Best joint pharmacy and diabetes team initiative to improve insulin and prescribing safety in hospital, A pharmacist led intiative to support insulin self administration, Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (PDF, 261KB)
2016 joint winner: Best joint pharmacy and diabetes team initiative to improve insulin and prescribing safety in hospital, Derby Diabetes Inpatient Improvement Projects ( DIPs), Royal Derby Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (PDF, 407KB)
2016 runner up: Operation Pharmacist: Ending the Highs and Lows of Diabetes, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (PDF, 637KB)
2015 winner: innovative use of ward glucose systems to reduce inpatient hypoglycaemia, Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust (Word, 26KB)
2014 winner: insulin prescription chart, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (PDF, 1MB)
2014 runner up: insulin prescription chart, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (PDF, 730KB)
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust also produced the following specific charts:- IV insulin DKA and HHS chart (PDF, 127KB)
- IV insulin ACS chart (PDF, 126KB)
- IV insulin surgey NBM chart (PDF, 126KB)
The Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care (JBDS-IP) was created in 2008 to ‘deliver a set of diabetes inpatient guidelines and propose standards of care within secondary care organisations’. JBDS-IP is supported by Diabetes UK, the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) and the Diabetes Inpatient Specialist Nurse (DISN) UK Group. JDBS-IP also work with NHS England, TREND-UK and other professional organisations.
JBDS-IP consists of a number of members and all four nations are represented. Members meet face-to-face twice a year and also connect via regular teleconferences.
Dr Omar Mustafa, King's College Hospital
Dr Ahmed Al-Sharefi, South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Parizad Avari, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Elizabeth Camfield, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Jason Cheung, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Umesh Dashora, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Dr Parijat De, Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust
Professor Ketan Dhatariya, (Norwich), Chair, Joint British Diabetes Societies (JBDS) for Inpatient Care
Dr Daniel Flanagan, Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Stella George, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
Dr Masud Haq, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
June James, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Andrea Lake, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Anthony Lewis, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Northern Ireland
Dr Sue Manley, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Philip Newland-Jones, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Nadia Osman, Barts Health NHS Trust
Dr Dipesh Patel, Royal Free London, NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Gerry Rayman, The Ipswich Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Stuart Ritchie, NHS Lothian
Dr Aled Roberts, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Dr Aaisha Saquib, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Alan Sinclair, Director, Foundation for Diabetes Research in Older People (fDROP) and King’s College, London
Esther Walden, Diabetes UK
For more information on JBDS-IP please contact Helen Briscoe at