Advice for healthcare professionals on coronavirus (Covid-19) and inpatient diabetes care
Diabetes UK has supported the creation of a National Inpatient Diabetes Covid-19 Response Team chaired by Professor Gerry Rayman. The group has published a series of new guidance to support inpatient diabetes care during the Covid-19 pandemic:
- NEW: Concise advice on Inpatient Diabetes (COVID:Diabetes) - Post-Covid-19 Diabetes Discharge Pathway - risk stratification and follow-up guidance for people being discharged from secondary care after Covid-19 infection (PDF, 209 KB)
- Concise advice on Inpatient Diabetes (COVID:Diabetes) - Virtual Ward Guidance (PDF, 184 KB)
- Concise advice on Inpatient Diabetes (COVID:Diabetes) - Front Door Guidance (PDF, 201KB) - This guidance is for diabetes specialist teams, as well as all those involved in delivering care to people with diabetes at the front door.
- Concise advice on Inpatient Diabetes (COVID:Diabetes): Dexamethasone therapy in COVID-19 patients: implications and guidance for the management of blood glucose in people with and without diabetes (PDF, 202KB)
- Concise advice on Inpatient Diabetes (COVID:Diabetes): Safe and supported discharge to reduce readmissions and improve patient flow (PDF, 182KB)
- Concise advice on Inpatient Diabetes (COVID:Diabetes): Guidance for managing inpatient hyperglycaemia (PDF,185KB)
- Concise advice on Inpatient Diabetes (COVID:Diabetes): Guideline for managing DKA using subcutaneous insulin (PDF, 192KB)
- View a letter (PDF, 388KB) from the team highlighting the need to maintain patient safety whilst accelerating patient flow through the system, including preventing avoidable admissions and readmissions
- Maintaining acute diabetes services in response to COVID-19 (PDF, 511KB)
- Speciality template for acute diabetes services (PDF, 497KB)
- SBAR for COVID-19 and diabetes (PDF, 178KB)
Visit the ABCD website for further specialist diabetes guidance.