We are so grateful for everything all healthcare professionals are doing at this difficult time, and hope to support you in any way we can.
Here's a summary of some useful resources, to help you care for your patients with or affected by diabetes during the coronavirus pandemic.
On this page:
- NEW: Royal College of General Practitioners long term conditions recovery guidance, June 2022
- Diabetes care during the NHS response to the Omicron coronavirus variant
- Information for your patients on coronavirus
- Clinical guidance for patient management during the coronavirus pandemic
- Guidance for inpatient diabetes care
- Guidance for general practice
- Guidance for managing people with diabetes in care homes
- Delivering remote consultations
- Emotional health and wellbeing support
- Looking after your own wellbeing
- Advice for pregnant women with diabetes
- Diabetes education and training
- Resources for people who have learning disabilities
- Resources in alternative languages
Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) long term conditions recovery guidance, June 2022
The pandemic has significantly impacted many long-term conditions, including diabetes. The RCGP have developed guidance for general practice teams, with suggested actions to support long-term condition management as primary care and healthcare systems tackle the challenge of recovering routine care for patients.
The guidelines can be found on the RCGP website.
Diabetes care during the NHS response to the Omicron coronavirus variant
Here at Diabetes UK, we recognise the pressure that the NHS is under during this time of crisis and the stress on healthcare professionals who are yet again, being asked to go above and beyond to respond to the Omicron variant.
We are, however, extremely concerned about the current backlog of diabetes care, the further delays to addressing this and the impact this will have on people living with diabetes and the NHS in the coming months and years.
We have developed guidance to help healthcare professionals and local health systems provide the best support for people living with diabetes (diagnosed or undiagnosed) both during and after this challenging time.
Diabetes care during the NHS response to the Omicron coronavirus variant (December 2021) (PDF, 72KB)
Information for your patients on coronavirus
- Get the latest government advice on Covid-19 and what this means for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
- Share tips on staying at home and managing diabetes with your patients – including ways to get active in the home, useful recipes and how to look after your feet.
- Some of your patients may not have access to online coronavirus advice. Visit our online shop to order or download our free Staying at Home and Managing Diabetes leaflet to share with them today.
- Information about diabetes tech and medicines. Our Meds & Kit guide also provides useful information around the diabetes treatments and tech available in the UK.
- Share our latest information on coronavirus vaccines and diabetes.
- Share information about the care that people with diabetes can expect during Covid-19 to help them feel empowered about accessing their care. Information is available on our website or to download as a PDF.
Clinical guidance for patient management during the coronavirus pandemic
- Read our position statements on:
- Diabetes care during the Covid-19 pandemic (PDF, 3.1MB)
- Support to manage risk for adults living with diabetes from Covid-19.
- Support to manage risk for children and young people living with diabetes from Covid-19. (PDF, 2,010 KB)
- Extraordinary flu protection, 2020-21 (PDF, 347 KB)
- Availability of specialist support and equal access to surgery for people with diabetes in light of Covid-19. (PDF, 1,241 KB)
- Read best practice guidance from the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) team, created to support hospital staff and managers to treat patients with Covid-19.
- Read a guide on coronavirus for clinicians and NHS managers across primary care, secondary care and community health, social care and ambulance services. There's a clinical guide for diabetes patient management from NHS England.
- Health Protection Scotland continues to update its guidance for health protection teams and healthcare practitioners as the situation evolves, as well as providing guidance for non-healthcare settings including schools, places of detention, and separate guidance for social care settings.
- Public Health Wales have published information for healthcare workers in Wales.
- Find the latest on the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects in Northern Ireland on the Health and Social Care Board website.
Guidance for inpatient diabetes care
Diabetes UK has supported the creation of a National Inpatient Diabetes Covid-19 Response Team chaired by Professor Gerry Rayman. The group has published a series of new guidance to support inpatient diabetes care during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Guidance for General Practice
- View guidance from the East of England Diabetes Clinical Network: Delivering Diabetes Care during the Covid-19 Pandemic - the 'new normal' (Version 2, updated 22 June 2020) (PDF, 754 KB)
- Read a statement from PCDS - written in association with ABCD and Diabetes UK - which outlines key information, recommendations, and useful resources to support primary care colleagues through the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. This also includes specimen letters for diabetes teams to use when getting in touch with people with diabetes about their care during the pandemic which can be adapted for local use.
- RCGP have a free resource providing information on shielding vulnerable patients from Covid-19. It covers the practicalities of shielding, including what to do when receiving questions and being approached for letter requests.
Guidance for managing people with diabetes in care homes
- A guide to managing people with diabetes in care homes (PDF, 375KB) has been produced by a national stakeholders group.
Delivering remote consultations
- Visit our page sharing resources and examples of good practice to support your delivery of remote consultations.
- We also have information for people living with diabetes to help them prepare for their remote diabetes appointments. Signpost your patients to our dedicated webpage, where you can also download the information as a PDF.
Emotional health and wellbeing support
- Use these resources to help you have quality conversations about emotional health and diabetes.
- Signpost your patients to our information and support on tackling stress, diabetes burnout and feeling low.
- MIND has lots of information and other resources to support people with their mental health and well being at this time.
Looking after your own wellbeing
- Visit the SBK Healthcare YouTube channel to access webinar recordings about managing anxiety and burnout, building resilience and how to sleep better during the coronavirus pandemic.
British Psychological Society (BPS) have developed guidance to support leaders and managers who will need to consider the wellbeing services of their NHS staff as they continue to deliver care, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Read the full guidance.
Visit Our NHS People for information on how to access helplines, apps, and guides to support you to look after your wellbeing.
The NHS Bereavement and Trauma support line has a team of fully qualified and trained professionals who are fluent Tagalog speakers, to provide support for colleagues from a Filipino background with bereavement and other mental health concerns. This helpline assistance is available from anywhere in the country and provided by Hospice UK. To book a consultation call 0300 303 115 between 7 am – 11pm, or text Frontline to 85258.
- Liberate Meditation is a smartphone app which offers culturally sensitive and diverse meditations and talks that have been curated for the BAME community. It aims to help reduce anxiety, alleviate stress and promote rest.
- NHS Staff Virtual Common Rooms are safe and supportive spaces for colleagues across the NHS and ambulance sector to stay mentally well. The confidential sessions last one hour and will have a maximum of ten NHS participants. It is available for NHS staff and final year students.
CARE offers information about health and wellbeing support for those in Social Care. This includes an online platform, applications, and routes to access help when needed.
- Take a quick quiz by Every Mind Matters to get your free plan with tips to help you deal with stress and anxiety, improve your sleep, boost your mood and feel in control.
Print out this infographic by NHS Employers for your workspace to remind your colleagues about the importance of their wellbeing whilst at work.
- Mind have a range of action plans that you and your colleagues can use to support your wellbeing at work.
- Watch a 30 minute webinar by NHS Education for Scotland - 'Managing wellbeing webinar of staff and teams for managers and team leaders'
Advice for pregnant women with diabetes
Access to primary care contraceptive services and sexual health services is significantly reduced due to COVID-19. For this reason the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare(FSRH) guidance has been updated to recommend that all maternity units provide contraceptives prior to discharge from maternity services. It is important to note that the community contraceptive services may continue to be limited for the foreseeable future.
- Get the latest information from the RCOG for pregnant women and their families.
- Our information and advice on pregnancy when you have diabetes.
Diabetes education and training
- While patients are not able to access face-to-face diabetes education courses, signpost them to award-winning, digital learning tool Learning Zone to learn about the basics of diabetes.
- RCGP have made their e-learning content free to access to support Primary Care healthcare professionals, and those returning to practice during the Covid-19 pandemic.
- EASD have a range of e-learning modules focusing on diabetes and Covid-19 which are free to access.
- NHS Health Education England have created a coronavirus programme featuring key resources to support professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic. Freely available for all professionals working in health and social care.
Resources for people who have learning disabilities
- Mencap have produced some Easy Read guidance on coronavirus for people with learning disabilities.
- Visit the 'Get Checked Out' website by Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust for Easy Read coronavirus resources.
- The government have produced a step-by step guide on how to use and return a coronavirus test kit.
Resources in alternative languages
- The South Asian Health Foundation have collated a range of resources providing coronavirus advice in South Asian languages.
- View our full range of resources available in alternative languages, including Sick Day Rules.