Diabetes UK’s Research Committee is composed of diabetes experts, including clinical and scientific experts. The Research Committee meets twice a year to make funding decisions on project grants.
Throughout the rest of the year, Research Committee members are called upon to make funding recommendations on early-career small grant, fellowship and, studentship applications, along with any applications submitted for strategic calls.
We occasionally, as needed, also invite people with special expertise onto the Research Committee.
Diabetes UK Research Committee, as of 2023
Professor David Adams, Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of Medicine, University of Birmingham
Specialist experts:
Professor Khalida Ismail, Psychiatry and Medicine, King’s College London
Professor Nishi Chaturvedi, Director of MRC Unit for Lifelong Health & Ageing, University College London
Professor Mark Kearney, British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiovascular and Diabetes, University of Leeds
Professor Gary Frost, Chair in Nutrition and Dietetics, Imperial College London
Professor Vivien Coates, Florence Nightingale Foundation Professor of Clinical Nursing Practice Research, Ulster University
Professor Hari Hundal, Professor & Chair of Molecular Physiology, University of Dundee
Professor Noel Morgan, Professor of Endocrine Pharmacology & Director of the Institute for Biomedical & Clinical Science, University of Exeter Medical School
Professor Alan Stitt, McCauley Chair of Experimental Ophthalmology, Queen’s University Belfast
Professor Luigi Gnudi, Professor of Diabetes and Metabolic Medicine & Honorary Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology, King’s College London
Professor David Wynick, Professor of Molecular Medicine and Consultant in Pain Medicine, University of Bristol
Associate Professor Richard Stevens, Associated Professor of Medical Statistics, University of Oxford
Professor Ines Barroso, Professor of Diabetes, University of Exeter
Dr Bo Liu, Lecturer in Physiology, King's College London
Dr Sophie Eastwood, Clinical Research Fellow, University College London
Dr Aileen King, Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology, King's College London
Professor Kathleen Gillespie, Professor of Molecular Medicine, University of Bristol
Professor Sheila Greenfield, Professor of Medical Sociology, University of Birmingham
Dr Rachel Besser, Consultant in Paediatric in Diabetes & Endocrinology, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Lucilla Poston, Professor of Maternal & Fetal Health, King's College London
Dr Beverley Shields, Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics, University of Exeter
Professor Daniel Cuthbertson, Reader and Honorary Consultant Physician, University of Liverpool
Professor Gwyn Gould, Professor of Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde
Dr Julia Mader, Associate Professor of Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Austria
Professor Nicholas Morton, Personal Chair of Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh
Professor Steve Bain, Assistant Medical Director for Research & Development, Swansea University
The members of our Research Committee and Funding Panels agree to abide by a conflict-of-interest policy and code of conduct.
Funding Panels
RD Lawrence, Sir George Alberti and Harry Keen Research Training Fellowships
Funding Panels that comprise appropriate members of the Research Committee, and may have co-opted expertise if required, review the RD Lawrence, Sir George Alberti and Harry Keen Research Training Fellowships.
For each Fellowship round a Funding Panel made up of Research Committee members is assembled. There are times when other researchers will be invited to join the panel if specific expertise not covered by the Research Committee is required.
Each Panel shortlists applicants based on the criteria outlined in each scheme and on comments from external peer-reviewers. Shortlisted applicants are invited for interview.
PhD studentship
The Funding Panel for PhD Studentships is comprised of appropriate members of the Research Committee and may have co-opted expertise if required.
The Panel makes funding decisions based on the criteria outlined for each scheme. Applicants are not required to be interviewed.