Use the following to find out what awards you can apply for.
Every day, thousands of healthcare professionals and commissioners across the UK work tirelessly to deliver and improve care for people with diabetes. Awards encourage, recognise and reward individuals and organisations for the great work they do and help drive the spread and adoption of good practice and innovation.
Awards for innovation
Quality in care diabetes awards, Quality in Care website
Innovation challenge prizes, NHS England website
Advancing healthcare awards website
Bright ideas in health awards, NHS Innovations North website
Yorkshire and Humber health innovation awards, Medipex website
Awards for quality and excellence in healthcare
HSJ awards website
The BMJ awards website
Nursing times awards website
The general practice awards website
NHS Wales awards website
LaingBuisson awards website
Celebrating DESMOND awards website
The Guardian public service awards, The Guardian website
Awards for patient safety
Rowan Hillson insulin safety award, Joint British Diabetes Societes for Inpatient Care
Patient safety congress and awards website