Fri19 The emerging role of AI in medicine 01:55 pm02:55 pm ICC Auditorium Application of AI in diabetes 1:55 pm2:55 pm Chris Sainsbury, Glasgow Practical applications and evidence base of AI in diabetes 2:15 pm2:35 pm Deborah Wake, Edinburgh Can machine learning help diagnose childhood type 1 diabetes earlier? 2:35 pm2:55 pm Julia Townson, Cardiff
Can machine learning help diagnose childhood type 1 diabetes earlier? 2:35 pm2:55 pm Julia Townson, Cardiff
Fri19 RD Lawrence Lecture: Type 1 diabetes in adults: Misdiagnosed, mistreated and misunderstood 03:15 pm03:55 pm ICC Auditorium Chair:Naveed Sattar, GlasgowAngus Jones, Exeter
Mon28 The hot potato: Preventing kidney complications associated with type 2 diabetes 01:00 pm02:30 pm ICC Auditorium
Wed26 Preparing the UK for early detection and treatment of type 1 diabetes 11:50 am01:10 pm ICC Auditorium Chair:Rachel Besser, Oxford Kathleen Gilllespie Parth Narendran Update on screening efforts on type1 diabetes 11:50 am12:10 pm
Thu27 What is the best diet for women with diabetes in pregnancy 04:45 pm06:15 pm Poster Theatre Exhibition Hall