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Could you help to guide our research?

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We’re looking for people living with or affected by diabetes to join our research panels and help make sure diabetes research focuses on what matters most to you.  

Who should apply to our diabetes research groups? 

We're calling on people with first-hand experience of living or caring for someone with diabetes to apply to join our advisory panels.

Listening to those who experience diabetes day-in, day-out is a vital way to help make sure that the research we fund produces breakthroughs in care, treatment and prevention that is most important for people living with or affected by diabetes. 

We’re recruiting to four different diabetes research groups. 

Grants Advisory Panel 

Our Grants Advisory Panel (GAP) helps us to decide which research projects we fund. GAP is made up of people living with, at risk of, or caring for someone with diabetes.

The panel works alongside scientific experts to review the research proposals we receive from scientists, as well as advise us on which projects are the highest priority for them and would make the biggest difference to people living with diabetes.

Their input directly influences decisions on where we invest our supporter’s donations, making sure we fund research that’s relevant and important to people living with diabetes. 

Science and Research Advisory Group 

Our Science and Research Advisory Group (SRAG) is made up of people living with diabetes, diabetes researchers and healthcare professionals.

Members make recommendations on areas where we should focus our research effort and guide our research strategy. By working with other members and the Director of Research, they will also promote and encourage research into all aspects of diabetes relevant to the work we do. 

Diabetes Research Steering Groups 

Our Diabetes Research Steering Groups (DRSGs) bring together researchers, healthcare professionals and people living with or at risk of diabetes.

They work together to pinpoint precisely where more research needs to happen, and give people affected by diabetes a voice to tell us the research areas where breakthroughs will have the greatest impact on their lives.

The DRSGs then work to champion these priorities and help to get new areas of exploration off the ground.  

Type 1 Research Advisory Group 

To keep pace with game-changing developments in type 1 diabetes research and the work of the Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge, we are launching the Type 1 Research Advisory Group.

This brand-new diabetes research group will make sure people living with or affected by type 1 diabetes can come with us on this journey, advising on our communications and championing their views to our Grand Challenge researchers. 

How to apply 

You can find each application form here. The form should take less than 10 minutes to complete. 

Elizabeth Eves, Public and Patient Involvement in Research Lead says: 

“Having people with diabetes at the centre of our research is so important to us. It means we can make research more relevant to people dealing with diabetes every day." 

"Volunteering for our research panels is a great opportunity for people with or affected by diabetes to bring their experience and expertise to support our diabetes research.” 

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