SRAG's role
The Science and Research Advisory Group (SRAG) is made up of people living with diabetes, diabetes researchers and healthcare professionals. Members of the group are responsible for working with us to formulate research strategy periodically.
They review the broad field of diabetes research and make recommendations to our Board of Trustees on the areas in which the charity should focus its research effort, taking into account the charity’s various constituencies. They also promote and encourage research into all aspects of diabetes relevant to the Charity.

Professor Nick Wareham, University of Cambridge (pictured)
Professional members:
Martin Rutter, University of Manchester
Katie Gray, Derby Hospital
Lee Roberts, University of Leeds
Jim Shaw, University of Newcastle
Andrew Hattersley, University of Exeter
John Petrie, University of Glasgow
Sarah Finer, Queen Mary University of London
Robert Semple, University of Edinburgh
Dinesh Selvarajah, University of Sheffield
Shurti Aina, University of Hertfordshire
Susan Wong, University of Cardiff
Siobhan Gardiner, University of Oxford
Ian Salt, University of Glasgow
Parth Narandran, University of Birmingham
Rebecca Reynolds, University of Edinburgh
Expert by experience members:
Mark Duman
Paul Robb
Sarah Parsons
Sian Wood
Daniel Newman
Robin Sibley
Robert Lowndes