Nicole has had gestational diabetes in both her pregnancies, but is feeling well prepared for baby number two.
I’m 9 weeks away from having baby number two and in this pregnancy, I was advised I would be treated as an automatic gestational diabetes patient.
The first time around – toddler is just shy of turning two – when I was diagnosed, it hit me like a freight train, the idea I had done something wrong, I wasn’t looking after myself and things would have to change.
In hindsight – a wonderful thing – the changes really weren’t that hard. My husband joined in and it sent me on a slightly different course after our baby was born and in preparation for baby number two. I had lost weight too so my BMI dropped before I fell pregnant again.
The test results in my first pregnancy were high and as a result I was on additional medication. I started checking my blood sugar levels at about 29 weeks as it was delayed gestational diabetes.
This pregnancy, I started testing automatically at 17 weeks three to four times a day. I was perfectly aware of my limitations, so portion control and reducing sugar were the key factors in making sure I didn't have as high readings.
The checking becomes second nature and because you know it is for the welfare of you and baby in the short and long term, you just get on and do it. It is frustrating but that's all it is.
I also have Graves disease to add to the mix so I'm on medication as part of my regular treatment.
My gestational diabetes is probably linked to my weight and eating habits – things like my portion sizes and sugar intake.
I haven’t had sugar in my tea or coffee for almost 2 years – I won’t lie, I thoroughly miss it, but I now know the consequences.
I also wanted to avoid indigestion at all costs through pregnancy so portion control has been key through both pregnancies.
I still treat myself. I love food, cooking, sharing, serving and eating, but all in moderation and using common sense.
I hope my experiences help my family to look at how we eat, why we eat, why healthy food is crucial but also hold onto a love for food – that is very important at my kitchen table.