We’re calling on MPs and the government to commit to take action to ensure everyone living with diabetes gets the care and support they need to live well and to stop the rise in type 2 diabetes.
The UK government and NHS England have launched the biggest conversation about the NHS ever, to ‘help build a health service fit for the future’ and are asking members of the public, NHS staff and health experts to share their experiences, views and ideas for fixing the NHS. We have been getting involved with the conversation to make sure that the government knows how important it is that everyone living with diabetes gets the care and support they need to live well.
I'm living with diabetes: Find out more
I'm a healthcare professional: Find out more
How can I support this campaign?
We’ve got lots planned in the coming months to raise awareness with MPs and the UK governments. Diabetes is serious. But together, we are too.
Sign-up for updates so you can keep in touch with the campaign and all the different ways you can get involved.
Getting the voices of people with diabetes heard
In May 2024 we published a new report on the impact and prevalence of type 2 diabetes in children and adults under 40. Our Campaign Champions joined us to launch the report at a parliamentary reception in Westminster where they shared their own experiences with MPs and other decisions makers.
In recent years, to demonstrate some of the different challenges our community has faced, we have taken your messages and artwork to Parliament to show MPs what it’s really like for you to live with diabetes day in, day out.
This includes our giant scrapbook:
How can I get support?
Get more information and support on all the issues raised in this campaign.