Diabetes UK Northern Ireland works with a range of local healthcare professionals, providing resources, offering help, support and opportunities to volunteer, as well as sharing the latest information and expertise. The strong bonds that we have with our local healthcare professionals is vital to the work that we do and ultimately, we all want to help people living with this relentless condition.
The Covid-19 pandemic created an ever-changing environment for people living with diabetes and healthcare professionals, and access to care and services have also been impacted. We are delighted to have four healthcare professionals, featured below, outlining some of these changes and what to expect from some of your diabetes services. These videos will give you a bit more information about accessing and attending appointments and be able to guide you on getting real value from your appointments.
Jennifer Madden, Assistant Podiatry Manager for the Community Team in the Belfast Trust
Lesley Hamilton, Diabetes Dietitian in the Western Trust
Mairead McClintock, Diabetes Specialist Nurse in the Western Trust
Dr Tunde Peto, Clinical Lead for Diabetic Eye Screening in Northern Ireland
If you need to contact your local Trust then please see the details below:
Belfast Trust
Diabetes: Footcare Advice & Support | Belfast Health & Social Care Trust (hscni.net)
Diabetes specialist teams | Belfast Health & Social Care Trust (hscni.net)
South Eastern Trust
Diabetes Nursing Service | South Eastern HSC Trust (hscni.net)
Northern Trust
Diabetes Services - Northern Health and Social Care Trust (hscni.net)
Western Trust
Diabetes Services | Western Health & Social Care Trust (hscni.net)
Southern Trust
Diabetes | Southern Health & Social Care Trust (hscni.net)
If you are a healthcare professional, then please contact our NI Healthcare Engagement Manager, Suzy Hull.