All people with diabetes should receive high quality care, no matter where they live. People with diabetes in prisons can find it difficult to manage their diabetes due to a lack of specialist healthcare professional input, care planning and case management, and self-monitoring facilities.
Use the following resources to improve care for people with diabetes in prison settings.
Resources for people in prison
Download or order our free Having diabetes in prison guide from our shop

Essential reading
Diabetes behind bars: considerations for managing diabetes within the prison setting and after release, Diabetes on the Net website (2015) (free, login required)
Diabetes management within the prison setting, Diabetes on the Net website (2014) (free, login required)
A captive audience: tackling diabetes and obesity in the prison setting, Diabetes on the Net website (2013) (free, login required)
Break down these walls: diabetes care and management in a prison environment (2014)