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Resources to improve your clinical practice

We have a range of resources that can help improve the quality of care delivered for people living with diabetes.

Information Prescriptions

These personalised, A4 tools are the key to unlocking behaviour change. They are easy to read, have clear images and have individual goals to help prevent people living with diabetes developing diabetes health complications. They are designed to give people with diabetes the information that they need to understand, engage with and improve on their health targets.

Early onset Type 2 (pdf 226KB)

As part of our partnership with NHSE to embed the voice of lived experience into their programmes, a qualitative research project was commissioned in February 2024 to gather insight from 30 people aged 18–39 years with early onset type 2 diabetes to explore their experiences, insights and feelings around diagnosis and their subsequent care. Sessions were conducted both in person and online and the sample included a mix of age, gender, ethnicity, and length of time since diagnosis. Here is a summary of the main findings.

Meds & Kit

This guide lists the glucose meters, Flash, CGMs, pumps, pens, medications and insulin's that are currently available in the UK, with specs, details and images. It is designed to be used with your patients and shared with colleagues. Available to download for free from our online shop.

Handy HbA1c converter

To help you with the transition from the percentage system you were used to, we have developed a converter.

Diabetes education & self-management

This page gives healthcare professionals and local decision-makers more information about patient education options. It includes resources to use with your patients and advice on improving uptake.

Footcare resources

This section contains resources to help you improve your local foot services, resources to improve your clinical foot care skills and leaflets to use in your consultations.

Older people with diabetes

We have developed a range of recommended resources which support good clinical practice for care home residents with diabetes.

Diabetes 10-Point Training

Diabetes 10 Point Training is a resource designed for clinicians giving care to people with diabetes.

Physical activity report 

This guide is for anyone professionally involved in promoting an active lifestyle, like managing a gym or working in public health.

Ramadan resources for healthcare professionals

Watch our joint webinar with the British Islamic Medical Association to hear evidence-based top tips on risk assessment for fasting; medication adaptations; monitoring considerations and supported, shared decision-making. The webinar is presented by Dr Nazim Ghouri, Consultant Physician in Diabetes, Endocrinology and General Medicine, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow; and British Islamic Medical Association. It was recorded in January 2024.   

Visit our Youtube channel for bite-sized Ramadan videos Ramadan and Diabetes Support in English, Sylheti and Urdu.

Use our factsheet developed with BIMA Ramadan and Diabetes, available to download or order in Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati and Urdu.

For more resources to support your patients, find our main Ramadan web page Diabetes and Ramadan.

MyWay Digital Health has partnered with Diabetes and Ramadan International Alliance to provide two courses for managing diabetes during Ramadan, one for people with diabetes and the other for HCPs. 

Disclaimer: Please note you may find this information of use but please note that these pages are not updated or maintained regularly and some of this information may be out of date.


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