Dr Julia Shaw – Assistant Podiatry Manager, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Dr Julia Shaw has 35 years’ NHS experience as a Podiatrist specialising in the management of the diabetic foot. A keen researcher, she completed a PhD in 2008 and has presented and published her work internationally. Julia has represented Northern Ireland as an Executive Member of the Foot in Diabetes UK. Currently, as Assistant Podiatry Manager in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, she actively contributes to the modernisation of the podiatry service and continues to have a role in the clinical management of the diabetic foot and in audit and research. She is currently a Panel Member for the Health and Care Professions Council and is an Expert Witness for the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists.
As DUK Clinical Champion, Julia will complete a regional audit on diabetic foot ulcer management in acute and community sites in NI. The audit will provide information on the assessment, management and clinical outcomes of those presenting with diabetic foot ulceration. Results will be monitored against national standards and will provide information on the current quality of care within the region. The audit will support an increase in the standardisation and improvement of multidisciplinary foot care to people with diabetes.