The Diabetes UK reportImproving the delivery of adult diabetes care through integration(PDF 648KB), published in October 2014, explains how diabetes care can be improved to achieve better outcomes for people with diabetes. The challenge for commissioners and healthcare providers locally is to make the system work to support that.
A great deal of work has been done, explaining what the various aspects of good diabetes care should look like. The report brings that information together and shares examples of what areas of the country are actually doing to make the system work for people with diabetes and clinicians.
Diabetes UK want to support the spread of best practice, to show how it can be done and emphasise the importance of commissioners and providers working together to evaluate and improve the delivery of the whole pathway of diabetes care in every area.
Further information
Diabetes sample service specification (PDF, 778KB)
The service specification outlines the provision of high quality care for all those with diabetes. It was developed using insight from topic experts and representatives of the CCG community, via the NHS Commissioning Assembly. It describes all the services needed to provide a complete care pathway for people with diabetes.The service specification outlines the provision of high quality care for all those with diabetes. It was developed using insight from topic experts and representatives of the CCG community, via the NHS Commissioning Assembly. It describes all the services needed to provide a complete care pathway for people with diabetes. -
Best practice for commissioning services: an integrated care framework (PDF, 2MB)
The framework identifies the five integration enablers of improving the delivery of diabetes care: integrated IT; aligned finances and responsibility; care planning; clinical engagement and leadership and robust clinical governance.The framework identifies the five integration enablers of improving the delivery of diabetes care: integrated IT; aligned finances and responsibility; care planning; clinical engagement and leadership and robust clinical governance. -
Coalition for Collaborative Care
The Coalition for Collaborative Care is a group of individuals and organisations who want to make person-centred coordinated care a reality, through the house of care. Diabetes UK is a partner organisation.The Coalition for Collaborative Care is a group of individuals and organisations who want to make person-centred coordinated care a reality, through the house of care. Diabetes UK is a partner organisation. -
Diabetes care planning video
This is a Diabetes UK video to explain what the process of care planning should look like for people with diabetes.This is a Diabetes UK video to explain what the process of care planning should look like for people with diabetes. -
NICE diabetes guidance
NICE guidance includes all the NICE clinical guidelines and the quality standard for diabetes, which should inform the design of care pathways.NICE guidance includes all the NICE clinical guidelines and the quality standard for diabetes, which should inform the design of care pathways. -
Implementing local diabetes networks
Diabetes UK produced this report for commissioners to explain the importance and composition of a local diabetes network.Diabetes UK produced this report for commissioners to explain the importance and composition of a local diabetes network. -
Monitor explanation of capitation
Specific areas included in the report
Get in touch
We know that there are other areas working to improve the delivery of diabetes care. And we want to be able to share these examples too, to build our case for change. So please contact the Shared Practice and innovation team at help us spread best practice.