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Our position statement on nutrition labelling

  • Clear and consistent nutrition labelling is important to people living with diabetes, those at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and the general public.
  • At the moment, nutritional information is often confusing and inconsistent, or even absent in out-of-home settings.
  • Everyone should be able to access quality nutritional information about their food wherever they eat and drink, so that they can make informed choices.
  • People treating their diabetes with a basal/bolus insulin regime also require accurate information about the carbohydrate content of their food and drink in order to calculate and adjust their meal time (bolus) insulin doses.

We have reviewed national and international evidence on nutritional labelling to produce this position statement. We also conducted focus groups in England, Scotland and Wales to gather the opinions of people living with diabetes. We conducted research through ComRes on the general publics’ opinions on food labelling and conducted our own survey with supporters.

For more information, please see our full position statement (PDF, 460KB).

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