Diabetes UK's Patient Information Packs (PIPs) are available to Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to buy and distribute to their patients. PIPs are a customised printed resource designed to help GPs and other healthcare professionals provide information about type 2 diabetes to their patients and to get the word out about relevant local services.
PIPs provide important information and signposting to help people confidently self-manage their diabetes. They are aimed at newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes, but may also be of benefit to some people already living with the condition.
Information in the packs signposts people to key local NHS or community services, as well as the Diabetes UK Learning Zone and Helpline.
The local information content can be tailored to support local priorities, such as encouraging uptake of local diabetes education courses, access to footcare services or retinal screening etc. Because they are a print resource, they may also be useful in tackling some elements of digital exclusion.
Your Patient Information Pack could contain the following:
A PIP contains the following:
- 1 x Personalised ICS letter
- 1 x Your guide to type 2 diabetes booklet
- 1 x Care to Expect booklet
- 1 x Learning Zone flyer
- 2-3 optional inserts from the ICS about local services
- 2-3 optional Diabetes UK Information Prescriptions
This is a commissioned resource, so we work with healthcare professionals to provide a bespoke quote, depending on requirements. Options include multiple delivery sites and translated materials. A minimum order is required but sample packs are available on request.
If you'd like further information or to order Patient Information Packs, please email patientinfopacks@diabetes.org.uk