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Take part in insulin trial for type 2 at home

December 2023
May 2024
UK wide
University Medical Center Utrecht
Pan-European proof-of-concept study comparing Decentralised Clinical Trial (DCT) and hybrid approaches to conventional clinical trial approaches in patients with Type 2 diabetews mellitus treated with Toujeo

Researchers at University Medical Center Utrecht (on behalf of EU/EFPIA Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking Trials@Home) would like to recruit people aged over 18 with type 2 diabetes, who are treated with insulin already but not optimally controlled, to take part in a clinical trial testing a long-acting basal insulin (Toujeo®). They hope to find out if people can participate in this trial at their own homes, with researchers at Newcastle Trust following their treatment remotely.

If you are living anywhere in the UK, you can participate to this home-based trial. You’ll be involved in a 24-week treatment with (Toujeo®). Study medication, the glucometer, test strips and other materials will be delivered. You’ll be followed remotely via video contacts.

For more information please visit the website.

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