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What would you want to say to type 1 diabetes and disordered eating?

February 2024
February 2025
UK wide
University of Hertfordshire
All the things I would say: A thematic analysis of letters written to type 1 diabetes and an eating disorder (T1DE).

Researchers at the University of Hertfordshire would like to recruit people aged 18 and over, living with type 1 diabetes and who've experienced an eating disorder or disordered eating (T1DE) to take part in a study that is exploring individual’s experiences of and relationship with T1DE, and how their identity has been impacted.

Taking part will involve completing a short online survey. If the study is suitable for you, you will be write two letters. One letter will be addressed to your diabetes and the other to your eating disorder/disordered eating. The purpose of these letters is to explore your relationship with both of these issues and how they may have impacted your identity. The information that the team will gather will help to fill gaps in research, and could influence how we support people with eating disorders, as well as helping those who also have type 1 diabetes.

For more information please contact: Rebecca Ades

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