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Guidelines on applying for funding

We know that applying for funding can be complicated, so we try to make it as straightforward as possible. Here you can get advice that will help you apply for Diabetes UK funding.  

General guidelines 

Find all the guidance you need to help you with the funding application process, including information on financial support, deadlines and grant conditions. 

Tips on writing a grant application 

Diabetes UK only funds the highest quality research. Here are some top tips from our research funding team that will help you develop a great application.  

Tips on writing a plain English summary 

The research applications we receive are reviewed by our panel of people living with or affected by diabetes, called our Grants Advisory Panel (GAP), who advise us on how important the research is to them. Here are recommendations to consider when writing a plain English summary. 

Excess treatment costs 

You may incur Excess Treatments Costs (ETC) if your study is being conducted within the NHS or Health and Social Care. Here you can find more information about the submission process and the available supports. 

NIHR Clinical Research Network: Support for studies recruiting participants

If your study involves the NHS or NHS patients, we expect you to apply for NIHR Clinical Research Network support in England, and/or its equivalents. 

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