A research workshop on health inequalities in diabetes that brought together researchers, healthcare professionals and people affected by diabetes and organised by Diabetes UK’s Diabetes Research Steering Groups (DRSGs) have identified inequalities in research practice and that the research community in the UK is not representative of the general population highlighting a lack of representation of researchers from Black ethnic groups. To address this inequality in diabetes research and to foster next generation of Black leaders in diabetes research we have launched two new funding schemes for students from Black backgrounds in the UK as a positive action initiative. This initiative aims to encourage a diverse postgraduate research community and help to develop a more inclusive pipeline for future academics and university leaders.
Advisory Panel
We formed an Advisory Panel who have guided and advised us in the development of the Black Leaders in Diabetes Internship and PhD Studentship Schemes. They will ensure the schemes are delivered effectively and the overall aims are met.
- Professor Jason Gill, University of Glasgow (Chair)
- Professor Kathleen Gillespie, University of Bristol
- Professor Samuel Seidu, University of Leicester
- Dr Bernadette Adeyileka-Tracz, Diabetes Africa
- Dr Oladapo Olaniru, King’s College London and Origin Sciences Ltd
Partnership with Windsor Fellowship
We are privileged to be working in partnership with Windsor Fellowship, a national race equality educational charity, who will support recruitment, match-making, mock interview training for shortlisted applicants across both schemes. In addition, successful PhD students will have access to a mentorship programme delivered by Windsor Fellowship.
These schemes and the funding processes are being piloted for one year and will be reviewed by the Office and Advisory Panel for future funding.