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Holding hands, we crossed the finished line

Georgia tells how she's learned to support boyfriend Jamie's diabetes. Seven months on, she knows exactly what to do.



Georgia ran for Jamie raising money for Diabetes UK

I first met Jamie at a bar in Nottingham.


He was serving drinks when we started talking about our piercings and tattoos before stepping outside to chat more.


A few minutes later, I followed my friends as they were leaving the bar only to have Jamie race down the street after me to give me his mobile number! 


We started texting straight away, met up about an hour later and talked until the early hours of the morning.

I remember being very shocked when Jamie told me he had diabetes and checked his blood sugar in front of me as I knew next to nothing about diabetes and was scared of needles!

The first time he said his blood sugar was low I was terrified and started panicking because I didn't know what to do or how to help, but Jamie calmly asked me to get him a cup of tea with six sugars in it.

We'd been together for about four months when Jamie's birthday came up and I wanted to do something special for him. I remembered how he had sprinted down the street so he didn't lose me, so I looked online for running fundraisers for Diabetes UK, and found one at a local park the day before his birthday. Jamie was so pleased with what I was doing, and so was I when he decided to run the 5K at Wollaton Park with me just five minutes before it started.

Overall we raised £55 for Diabetes UK and crossed the finishing line first, holding hands. I'm no longer scared of needles, I know how to check Jamie's blood sugar, do his injections and I carry dextrose tablets with me everywhere just in case. We've been together for over seven months now and our medals from the race hang proudly in our bedroom. I'm so glad Jamie ran after me, and I'm glad I ran for him too. 

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