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'DKA is one scary thing to go through'

"I am 49-years-old and I work in local high school within learning support. My story starts early Nov 2012 when I had a sickness nausea bug. I went to see my doctor who gave me tablets which allowed me to continue working supporting pupils in a local primary school which I loved.

I went to that school on Monday and Wednesday till lunch, then returned to my own job in High school. I should add I was Type 2 and well managed. I saw my doctor every 8-12 weeks to be monitored and  have done for years.

As time was going on I was becoming more unwell. My husband and I were supposed to attend a family wedding, but I felt so ill I couldn't go. I was faithfully taking my medication, but it was not staying down.

I was taken that evening by my husband to RAH Paisley where I was whipped in to Resus and found to have diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). I don't recall much other than the fact I was told I was a very sick lady. The doctor stated that he had never seen such bad DKA. I know I spent four days in high dependancy and do not remember my time there with the exception of one staff nurse who was was my assigned nurse. I was discharged from there. Home I came and was to be monitored by a diabetic care centre sister.

Things were not getting better -  family were becoming more more concerned as were diabetic team. I was yet again admitted to hospital where I spent eight weeks. My DKA and toxins had affected my mind and I was transferred to mental health hospital where I was diagnosed with delirium caused by an urine infection. I also found out I was a hidden Type 1 diabetic.

As you can imagine I was petrified what was happening to me. I spent Christmas and New Year in hospital making the best of what was available. In the RAH they catered for diabetic patients. Sadly the other hospital did not.

It was total nightmare - some had not a clue in all fairness It was a mental health hospital; their expertise lies in that field of care.

I have been home and self caring for four weeks. My self confidence is coming back as I slowly recover. I am hoping to return to work within next 12 weeks and carry on living life to the full.

If it had not been for the care and attention I received I very well may not have been telling this story. I have nothing but praise for the healthcare team. To this end, I am having a night of celebration on 5 May - my 50th / fundraising night for Diabetic care team.

DKA is one scary thing to have, but I am proof that there is light at the end of one very dark tunnel." 

Words by Lindsay

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