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Coping with diabetes on my Duke of Edinburgh trip

Holly has just completed her bronze Duke of Edinburgh award and gives her top tips on what to take for the trip.

I know a lot of people around my age will either be doing Duke of Edinburgh or are thinking about doing it. I have already completed my bronze award and been on the camping expedition for a few days, so I thought I would write a bit about it and say some of the things that I needed to take with me for my diabetes. 

To be honest, when I first said that I would be doing it, I did panic about all the things I would need to take care of while I was there. First, it’s how am I going to keep my insulin cool and then second it’s where am I going to keep it all? But after doing it, I know now that it was stupid for me to worry about that because there is ways that you can do it. What need to take?

  • Insulin
  • Insulin Pens/Or Pump
  • Blood Kit
  • Orange Needle
  • Frio Bags
  • Something to get your sugars up (Mines Jelly Babies)
  • An everything else you need to put in the rucksack

The Frio bags were a life saver when I went camping for the few days, there just basically like a mini fridge that you can put all your insulin in to keep it cool. I have had mine for a while now and all you have to do it put them in water the night before you go and then they should just last the whole time your there. When you get the rucksacks, on mine there was a pocket at the very bottom that I kept my entire needle in.


It’s really good, because you know it will be ok because it’s really secure and if it rains the water won’t get on the bottom as quick. When I was there the first time I camp, I left something at the site before the walk and had to run back to get it.

The hill wasn’t good for my bloods. I remember being at the top of this field later on in the walk and I could feel myself going low.

You know the feeling were your legs go really weak. It wasn’t bad though because all the teachers were really good and let me stop to have my jellies and kept the group at a steady pace so I could catch up with them. Obviously, there are times were you can’t be bothered having to stop to do your bloods and remembering to have all the right things with you.

However, it’s just part of the diabetes and you just get on with it. You might find that your bloods tend to go on the low side with the walking, so make sure that you have plenty of cereal bars and things to keep your bloods steady on the go. If you’re thinking about doing it or about to start then I defiantly would because it’s really good.

At first I didn’t know whether I was a camping person, but then in the end I was there for a whole week instead of just two nights. You can do loads there but my favourite part is definitely the night time, especially if the teachers will let you do a campfire and roast the marshmallows.

Even though it might send your bloods up, just give yourself some insulin. It’s a treat! How can you say no to marshmallows?

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