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“I felt lost and I didn't know what I was doing"

Kerry Derbyshire was recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. After an initial struggle to manage her diabetes, but with the help of Diabetes UK and a DAFNE course Kerry now feels in control and able to take on the Swim22 challenge.  Read below for Kerry’s story. 


It turned my life upside down

“When I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes I found it so hard, it turned my life upside down and I struggled. I didn't want to be diabetic and I tried to forget about it, but I was always ill with a cold or had infections.”

“My GP referred me to the Endocrine Centre at the Northern General Hospital and I then went onto doing the Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating (DAFNE) course and that's when I finally got some perspective on things. If it wasn't for that course I wouldn’t have been able to control my diabetes as I am doing.”

“Due to the DAFNE course I changed my diet, only having treats now and again. I cut out smoking and drinking and now only do this once a month.  I joined a leisure centre where I realised how much I enjoy swimming. I started going 2-3 times a week, increasing this to 4-5 times a week, which has helped me to stabilise my blood sugars so much.”

I always check out the Diabetes UK website, it's helped me so much through the last few years since I was diagnosed.

After Kerry had discovered how much she loved swimming and how it helped her to keep control of her diabetes, she decided she wanted to give back to those who helped support her along her journey with diabetes.  Kerry said: “I saw Swim22 last year but at that point it was too late to join so I told myself I was going to carry on training and this year would be the year I gave something back. I am so grateful for the help I had and how much it has improved my life. I have had good HBA1C results and now it’s time to raise some money so that more people with diabetes are given the support I received.”

“I want to raise money to help others and prove that together we can beat this one day. I still have hard days but I'm managing to keep on top of everything and I just wanted to show that even though diabetes is a hard disease to live with, it doesn't have to stop your life.”

Fundraise with Diabetes UK 

If Kerry has inspired you to take on your own fundraising challenge, you can have a look at all of our otherFundraisng events for inspiration. 

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