Beth Jones Weaver decided to take on the One Million Step Challenge to mark the one-year diagnosis of her toddler with type 1 diabetes.

Beth, 28 from Newborough, Anglesey works in a nursery and was taken by surprise when last summer, her daughter Avangeline, who was two years old at the time was rushed to hospital with DKA. “I thought she was going through a growth spurt, she was eating and drinking so much more. She was also so tired that started falling asleep anywhere and everywhere. Then, on the night before her diagnosis we realised how thin she had actually got because we could see her ribs and spine and then that night she began vomiting and struggling to breathe.”
Avangeline recovered fast and is now healthy on a Dexcom to monitor her blood glucose levels to help her mother keep her safe, and is waiting for a pump. But Beth felt guilty for not picking up on the symptoms sooner: “I want to do this challenge to raise awareness among people who know nothing about diabetes, so they can understand, recognise the symptoms and live a normal life, like Avangeline is doing. She loves drawing and dancing and is looking forward to starting nursery in September.
“Avangeline is very active, keeping up with her sister but sometimes runs out of energy. She coped amazingly well with her diabetes and can feel changes, knowing she needs her injection before food and doesn’t let diabetes stop her, even if she gets tired. I am very proud of how brave she is”, Beth said.
Beth joined the Anglesey Diabetes UK group, which she has found good for support, as well as social media diabetes groups. “I am doing 10,000 steps a day until I reach the one million goal in September to coincide with Avangeline’s Diaversary, to mark her diagnosis and spread the word to other parents, so people can recognise the symptoms”.
You can support Beth on her Million Step Challenge fundraising page.