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Diabetes UK Local Groups

Adjusting to the knowledge that you or a member of your family has diabetes takes time and it is often helpful to meet other people who live with diabetes and have been through a similar situation. They can offer understanding, help and support at an important time. A good way of finding this help is to join a local support group - one of our Diabetes UKĀ supporter groups.

Find your local group

View the full listing of groups in Northern Ireland, or use our postcode finder for contact details of a group in your area.

Groups in your area

The supporter groups in Northern Ireland are all run voluntarily by people living with diabetes. Supporter groups can offer you local information and support, and the chance to meet other people who live with diabetes. The groups can also offer you the opportunity to get involved in a range of activities from fundraising for diabetes research to influencing healthcare locally.

All groups welcome new members - if you'd like more information about any of the groups please email We also have family support groups, which cater for children with diabetes and their parents.

No local group?

If there isn't a local group in your area, the Local Groups team can provide you with help and resources to set one up - please send an email, including your full postcode, to

Local Groups Support and Development Volunteer

We are looking for friendly, dynamic strategic thinker to work with a cluster of local support groups across Northern Ireland, to help them plan for their future and support more people living with diabetes.

As a Local Groups Support Volunteer, you will work closely with the Northern Ireland Volunteer Development Team to create and develop long-term sustainability plans. We are looking for people who are able to volunteer locally and engage with one or two Diabetes UK local groups, by assisting with training, recruitment and facilitating networking between groups. You will be helping your local groups to develop which will allow them to do more for people living with diabetes in your local area.

This is an excellent opportunity for you to gain supported experience in community and strategic planning, and developing your influencing skills whilst helping to support and improve the lives of people living with diabetes. We will pay your out of pocket expenses, and provide you with relevant training and full induction.

If you would be interested in this role then please see the volunteer role description in the downloads section on this page. For further information please email

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