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Life insurance for people with diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, you can still get life insurance. This should be the same for other types of diabetes as well.   

There are also other types of insurance you should also be able to apply for if you need them. 

When you apply for insurance, you’ll need to provide information about your health and how you are managing your diabetes.  

On this page there is more information about life insurance, as well as other types of insurance, what to expect when you apply and how to get more support with the process. 

We've partnered with The Insurance Surgery to bring you these expert tips. 

What is life insurance? 

Having life insurance is one way to make sure that anyone who relies on your income, such as your partner, family and children, will be financially supported if you die.  

The amount of money paid out will vary depending on your financial situation and what you want the money to be used for. You can buy different levels of life insurance; this is called cover. Speaking with an insurance broker can help you understand what cover is available. 

You can also decide what it might cover: such as mortgage, rent, funeral costs or an inheritance for your family and loved ones.  

The amount of money paid out depends on the level of cover you buy. 

The Money Helper website, run by the government, offers free and impartial information about life insurance. 

You may want to have life insurance if you have people who rely on your income: called ‘dependants.’ Dependants could include children at school, a partner, and family living in a house where you pay towards the mortgage.

How can I get life insurance? 

It is possible to get life insurance if you have diabetes. But it can be harder to find it direct from an insurer or through comparison sites, because of your medical condition.  

It may help to go through a specialist insurance broker who work with insurance providers who are more likely to be able to help.

Getting life insurance for type 1 diabetes:  

This will be worked out by assessing your health and how you are managing your diabetes. You will need to tell them about any complications you may be living with because of your diabetes.   

You may need to provide a full medical report from your GP as part of the underwriting process. This will confirm your current health and medical history.

Getting life insurance for type 2 diabetes:  

If your diabetes is well managed with no complications, then you might not need to provide a full medical report.  

You may get your life insurance application accepted immediately. 

It could be harder to get life insurance if you have diabetes and a high HbA1c (75 mmol/mol or above). Your HbA1c is your average blood glucose (sugar) levels for the last two to three months. 

It might also be harder if you have other medical issues such as heart problems, or if you smoke. 

How much does life insurance cost?  

In general, what you pay monthly can vary depending on your age, health, lifestyle, medical history and your job as well as what type of life insurance cover you decide to buy. 

You may have to make higher payments if you have diabetes. Costs will also depend on how well your diabetes is managed as well as things like heart problems, if you smoke, your HbA1c and other medical conditions.  

What information do I need to give ​​the insurers? 

The main information you will need to provide includes: 

  • your latest HbA1c reading, normally from within the last year 
  • a list of your medications and treatments. Including tablets and insulin that help manage your diabetes 
  • how else you are managing your diabetes, for example through diet and exercise. Or providing details of how you are stopping smoking or reducing alcohol 
  • cholesterol levels 
  • blood pressure readings 
  • the date you were diagnosed with diabetes. 
  • a list of any complications related to diabetes. For example, problems with your feet, eyes or heart 
  • your height and weight 

Your insurance broker or provider will be able to give you further details on the exact information you need to provide.

Communicating with your insurer 

It is helpful to give your insurer updates on your health and how you are managing your diabetes.  

If your health improves, this may help reduce the cost of your monthly payments. Your insurer should be able to reassess the amount you pay based on your current health. 

Can my HbA1c affect what I am paying for life insurance? 

A higher HbA1c reading may increase your monthly payments for life insurance.  

You can ask your insurance provider to review your policy if your Hb1Ac levels decrease. As a result, you may pay less.  

But you should always follow the guidance from your healthcare team, and not any targets from insurers. Your healthcare team can also give you advice about how to manage your Hb1Ac levels safely. 

We have more information and tools about how to lower your HbA1c levels. 

What other types of insurance are there for people with diabetes?  

Life insurance only pays out in the event of your death. There are other types of insurance that may be helpful for different situations.

Critical illness cover 

This supports you financially if you’re diagnosed with one of the health conditions included in the policy. The tax-free, one-off payment can help pay for your treatment, mortgage, rent or changes to your home.

Income protection 

Income protection is a way to make sure you get a regular income if you were unable to work. For example, because you were ill or had an accident.  

It can be difficult to get income protection if you have type 1 diabetes, unless your diabetes is well managed and your HbA1c is constantly low. 

If you have type 2 diabetes, you may be able to get income protection. This will depend on whether you meet the criteria required by the insurer.  

Getting more support 

We’ve partnered with The Insurance Surgery: they are insurance brokers who specialise in finding affordable life insurance for people who have medical conditions. They have lots of information about insurance for people with diabetes on their website.  You can also contact The Insurance Surgery by phone on 01625 914700.

Call our helpline 

Give our confidential helpline a call. You’ll be able to speak to a highly trained advisor and you can ask questions about the information on this page.

Our forum  

Reaching out to people on the forum who have also been through the insurance process can help. You can read their experiences in our online forum or sign up to take part in the conversations yourself.  

Joining a community can really help you feel supported throughout the process.


Corporate partners’ products or services, as well as those highlighted on Diabetes UK’s website, are not necessarily endorsed by Diabetes UK. Diabetes UK is not responsible for the content of external websites.

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