Our Legacy Administration team are experienced at dealing with all probate administration matters and are here to work with Executors and Solicitors to make the administration process as simple as possible.
Please rest assured that your details as Executor will not be added to any mailing lists as a result of contacting us about a legacy.

Frequently asked questions
How do I know if a gift is meant for Diabetes UK?
If a gift is meant for Diabetes UK, the Will should include some or all of the following information:
- Our unique registered charity number (number 215199 in England and Wales and number SC039136 in Scotland)
- Our registered company number 00339181
- Our name or a variation of our name (Diabetes UK, The British Diabetic Association, The Diabetic Association or The Diabetes Foundation)
- Our current address (Wells Lawrence House, 126 Back Church Lane, London E1 1FH)
- One of our previous addresses:Â
- Macleod House, 10 Parkway, London, NW1 7AA
- 10 Queen Anne Street, London, W1M 0BD
- 177a, Tennison Road, London, SE25 5NF
- The address of one of our regional offices, local clubs, or another address related to Diabetes UK.Â
You may also know a gift is for Diabetes UK if there is any of the following:
- A history of lifetime support for Diabetes UK by the person who made the Will
- Any letters of wishes left by the person who made the Will
- Any clues in the notes taken by the person who drafted the Will, including a solicitor’s file
If you are unsure whether a gift is due to Diabetes UK, please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of the Legacy Administration team at legacyteam@diabetes.org.uk
If we have been left a gift, we’ll need some extra information depending on whether the gift is a) for a specific amount or b) a percentage of an estate:
What additional information do you need if the gift is for a specific amount?
Where we have been left a pecuniary legacy in the form of a specific sum of money (for instance, £100), please share the following information with us: Â
- The Executor’s name and contact details
- The deceased’s full name
- The deceased’s last address (this will also allow us to stop future mailings being sent to the property)
- A copy of the Will
Any information about the reason for the legacy
What additional information do you need if the gift is a share in the residue of an estate?
Where Diabetes UK has been left a residuary legacy in the form of a percentage of an estate, the process is slightly more complicated and we will require some additional information from you.
Please contact us as early as possible in the administration so that we can provide any specific guidance where necessary.Â
Please can you let us have the following information:
- The Executor’s name and contact details
- The deceased’s full name
- The deceased’s last address – this will also allow us to stop future mailings being sent to the property
- A copy of the Will
- A schedule of the Assets and Liabilities at the date of death
- A copy of the formal valuations for any notable assets in the estate, e.g. property and/or investments
- A copy of the final Estate Accounts at the end of administration
Do any charitable tax benefits apply to the estate?
As a charity, Diabetes UK is exempt from inheritance tax, capital gains tax and some income tax. These exemptions apply to both specific and residuary gifts, and can increase the value of a charitable gift at no cost to any other beneficiary.
However, these exemptions have limitations and it can be complicated to work out. To avoid the estate paying more tax than necessary, please contact us and we’d be very happy to discuss any of these issues with you, but you might need to get specialist advice from a solicitor or tax advisor.
Alternatively, you may also find HMRC’s website and helpline (0845 302 0900) useful.
How do I pay the gift to Diabetes UK?
Please make cheques payable to ‘Diabetes UK’, mark for the attention of the Legacy Administration team and send to our head office address (below).Â
If you would prefer to make a payment other than by cheque, please contact us on the details below.Â
Need more help?
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with our Legacy Administration team on legacyteam@diabetes.org.uk or 0345 123 2399, and we will do everything we can to help.Â
You can also write to us at:
Legacy Administration Team
Diabetes UK
Wells Lawrence House
126 Back Church Lane
E1 1FH