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Make a complaint

At Diabetes UK we always aim to provide a high level of service in all areas of our work, but occasionally we do not get it right.

This is why we welcome and value all feedback, good and bad, as this helps us to resolve issues, where possible, and improve the service that we provide to you in the future.

While we respect the right of supporters, service users and stakeholders to register their complaint with external organisations, we do request that our internal systems are exhausted before any external channels are used.

The aims of Diabetes UK’s complaints procedure

We seek to ensure that:

  • it is simple to contact us – complaints can be received by telephone, email or by letter
  • complaints are acknowledged and investigated as quickly as possible
  • you are kept updated and informed about the progress of your complaint
  • we listen thoroughly to all feedback to help us to review and improve our services
  • we communicate to you about any service improvements made as a result of your complaint.

How can I make a complaint?

If you would like to make a complaint to Diabetes UK, you can contact us using any of these options:

  • Call us on 0345 123 2399 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm)
  • Email
  • Write to us: Supporter Care Team, Diabetes UK, Wells Lawrence House,126 Back Church Lane, London E1 1FH

What will happen next?

We will seek to provide a response to your complaint within seven working days of receiving a complaint.

If your complaint is of a complicated nature or requires further investigation we will contact you within seven working days of receiving the complaint to inform you of any progress and discuss a further response deadline.

What if I am still unhappy?

If you are unhappy with the response received please let us know as soon as possible. Your complaint will be referred to a more senior member of staff, who will carry out a review and let you know the outcome within ten working days of receipt.

Can I take my complaint further?

We will always try to resolve your concerns but if you think we haven’t, you can forward your complaint to an external agency. If your complaint is relating to fundraising please take your complaint directly to the Fundraising Regulator within two months of our final response – they can be reached via an online complaints form or call 0300 999 3407.

If the complaint is relating to Diabetes UK advertising or email/postal mail received please contact the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) via the ASA website or call 020 7492 2222.

If the complaint is relating to Diabetes UK gambling products, then please contact one of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services, which can be found here.

If the complaint is relating to serious concerns against the charity such as misuse of funds, harmful/illegal activity contact the Charity Commission which is a governmental body. You can use the online form.

The Fundraising Regulator and Diabetes UK


We are registered with the fundraising regulator who holds the Code of Fundraising Practice for the UK. They set and maintain the standards for charitable fundraising, aim to ensure that fundraising is respectful, open, honest and accountable to the public and regulate fundraising in England and Wales.

Find out more on the Fundraising Regulator website.

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