Without the right support life with diabetes can be really tough. Living with diabetes is hard and the day-to-day reality isn’t always easy to see or understand.
Talking about it helps. So, we bring people together to share experiences and knowledge and provide support to each other through our groups, events and online.
Whether you’re looking for extra support or are keen to share your experiences, by connecting with other people you’ll help our diabetes community grow.
Join a local group
Our local groups are a great way of finding help, understanding and support.
They’re all run by volunteers who’ve been there and got the Diabetes UK t shirt. They give people the chance to share their experiences, learn more, or have a chat with someone who gets what diabetes is like.
Join our online support forum
You can ask questions, swap stories, trade tips and talk about the highs and lows of diabetes by joining our online support forum.
People with all kinds of diabetes and their families are ready to chat morning, noon and night.
Come to our Type 1 events
Our Type 1 Events make sure Type 1 diabetes doesn’t hold anyone back.
They give children, teenagers, adults and families affected by Type 1 the chance to meet up, make friends, build confidence and learn from each other.