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Our work in Parliament

We work to raise the profile of diabetes in Westminster and the devolved parliaments across the UK to improve the lives of everyone living with and at risk of diabetes. We bring together our robust evidence base with people’s real life experiences to show parliamentarians and policymakers why it is vital that they improve diabetes care and stop the rise in type 2 diabetes. 

We want to see policies that: 

  • Ensure everyone living with diabetes receives high quality healthcare, which supports both their physical and mental health. 

  • Improve access to the latest diabetes technology and newest medications. 

  • Create communities that promote our health and make it easier for everyone to access an affordable, healthy diet. 

  • Reduce health inequality. 

We reach decision-makers in lots of different ways, including hosting events in parliament, attending party conferences, giving evidence to inquiries, and organising meetings with parliamentarians.  

Our incredible community of people affected by diabetes help us to make an impact by writing to their MPs, contributing to our campaigns and sharing their own stories. 

Join our campaigns

Campaigners outside the House of Commons
Diabetes UK Chief Executive shaking hands with Fabian Hamilton, MP

Reverse the Trend report

In May 2024, we published a new report on the impact and prevalence of type 2 diabetes in children and adults under 40. We launched the report at a parliamentary reception in Westminster to share our recommendations with MPs and other decision-makers.
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