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Emotional and mental health support is too often missing

People with diabetes need better emotional and mental health support.

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We've spoken to thousands of people whose lives are affected by diabetes. They told us that too often the support they need is missing. This lack of support left people feeling frustrated, isolated and alone.

But we come together as a community and over 20,000 people from across the diabetes community signed our petition. We handed this into the Department of Health in July 2019 and thousands of campaigners also wrote to their political representatives across the UK.

NHS England recommended that emotional support services for people with long term conditions like diabetes to be in place by April 2020. We conducted a Freedom of Information request between July and October 2019 and found that many, but not all, local areas commissioned a psychological therapy service for people with long term conditions (LTC IAPT). 

We worked with the NHS and other partners to ensure that these services provide the best support possible for people with diabetes. 


Too often missing: Full report

See the evidence we have gathered showing that people with diabetes need greater emotional support.
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Diabetes and emotional wellbeing

Diabetes and emotional wellbeing

Find lots of information about how diabetes can affect your emotional wellbeing, and what can help you.
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