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Diabetes Leadership Community

Improving Diabetes Care Together


Group of four adults sitting at same table

What's on and Community highlights 

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18th July: Embedding the lived experience of young people into transition services

Improve your understanding of the importance of involving young people in transition services. Learn practical ways that you can create meaningful involvement opportunities and how Diabetes UK can support this,
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14th August: Communication: Self-awareness, styles, and pitfalls

Develop your awareness of how you communicate. Discuss a simple way to understand different communication characteristics and how this might enhance your interactions.
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Resource: Back to D1abasics

Case study from the University Hospital Southampton about using a systems change approach to address the diabetes knowledge gap among non-specialist teams.


Useful Links

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Upcoming sessions and events

Find out what's on and book your place onto sessions
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Get Involved

Find out what the Diabetes Leadership Community can offer you and how you can participate
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Useful resources and previous session recordings
Light blue house on dark blue circle

About the Community

Learn more about the Community, its aims, areas of focus and what is expected of members
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