Use the following resources and tools to improve care for children and young people with diabetes.
All children and young people with Type 1 diabetes and their families should have access to the best possible care. They should be offered an ongoing integrated package of care by a multidisciplinary paediatric diabetes care team and be involved in decisions that affect them.

How to improve transition for young people with diabetes (Diabetes UK, September 2017) (PDF, 123KB)
A guide for young people moving into adult care (Diabetes UK, January 2017) (PDF, 298KB)
Transforming care for young people with Type 1 diabetes in Hillingdon, Diabetes UK (January 2015) (PDF, 298KB)
Essential reading
Diabetes transition service specification and guidance, NHS England (January 2016) (PDF, 648KB)
Transition toolkit for providers and guidance for commissioners, Yorkshire and the Humber Clinical Networks website (2016)
A guide for teachers and parents of children and young people with diabetes, Healthy London Partnership, Diabetes UK and South East Coast and London Diabetes Partnership Board, My Health London website (December 2015)
Diabetes transition, NHS Diabetes (August 2012) (PDF, 1MB)
Systematic review of transition models for young people with long-term conditions: a report for NHS Diabetes, Getting Sorted (2012) (PDF, 225KB)
2019/20 National Tariff Payment System
Shared practice examples
Diabetes clinics in a higher education college, Diabetes Care for Children and Young People (2016) (PDF, 1.56MB)
For access to the latest curriculum and lessons plans email Article reproduced with permission from OmniaMed SB.
Transition to adult care: Ready Steady Go, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust website (2015)
STYLe: a new approach to adolescent patients, Diabetes on the Net website (2014) (free, login required)
Sample individual healthcare plan for children
My transition plan, NHS Diabetes (PDF, 554KB)
Quality standards for transition checklist, NHS Diabetes (PDF, 26KB)
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