Holly has halved her HbA1c level since being prescribed the FreeStyle Libre 2. She was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 14 years ago.
“I started using the tech because I wanted to make a difference for myself after not caring for my condition as well as I should have. And I’ve turned a new page.
“After starting to use the Libe 2 sensors, my HbA1c went from 120mmol/l to 61 in the space of four to six months – the best result I’ve had in more than eight years.
“Being able to see my blood glucose readings gave me the confidence to become more active again which helped lower my HbA1c. I started playing competitive football after four years away from it and started going to the gym three times a week.
"My libre allows me to monitor my blood sugars effectively during sports so I have to take less time away from having fun. It means I can prepare my levels if I am due to do lots of high endurance training, or make sure they are stable if I am lifting weights.
"With exercise before, I found my fitness was very bad due to my poor blood glucose control and high levels. I would become very out of breath quickly, and generally fatigued after the smallest of exercises. I was also due to start college, so I felt stepping away from sports altogether was my only option.
"Mentally this left me in a bad place as I was very inactive, and this then had a further effect on my health.
"When I gave myself a push together, getting my bloods back in range was the first step before I could get back into routine at the gym where I slowly built my fitness back up. Eventually, I was in a position where my health and diabetes was in a better place, and I could go back to playing my football each week.
“The biggest hurdle itself for me was the application method for applying the sensors. I’ve always had high anxiety when injecting, so this in itself was a big thing for me to get used to.
I also found the sensor requires an over patch to keep it on for the full duration of use which can be expensive.
Move to CGM
“I’ve now switched from a Libre 2 to a continuous glucose monitor (CGM). I had two months of persistent technical with my libre dropping out of its connection or showing readings inaccurately. The CGM sensors are a bit larger and more on show but I like that I can rotate sites to places other than my arms. And I’ve found it’s even more accurate than the Libre 2 for showing blood glucose levels.
What led to me using tech
“I was so disappointed each time I went to my appointments and got my HbA1c results – and a retinopathy scare and the thought of becoming blind was the final straw.
"The hospital supported me in getting the Libre 2 and it was life changing. My diabetic dietitian and diabetic nurse at the hospital have been lifesavers. I met them after moving to the Young Adults clinic, after Covid delays. They remind me that I am not on my own on this upward journey, and are there with me for all the highs and lows."