Six schools across the East of England have won an award for providing great care to children and young people with type 1 diabetes.

They were chosen for the Diabetes UK Good Diabetes Care in School Award 2020 because of the support they provide to students with the condition, the help they offer to manage their diabetes safely, and the care taken to include them in all school activities.
The recognition scheme aims to raise awareness of the vital role good diabetes care in school plays in keeping students safe, supporting them to achieve full academic potential and promoting their personal development. Over the last year it has been especially important in ensuring school children with type 1 diabetes are being kept safe and still receive an education.
Peter Shorrick, Midlands and East Regional Head at Diabetes UK, said:
“Congratulations to all these schools for doing such a fantastic job of supporting students with type 1 diabetes throughout 2020. We urge all schools in the region to follow their shining example so that children and young people stay healthy and get the best from their education.
“Every child and young person with diabetes deserves to have the same opportunities as their friends. And their parents should be confident they're looked after properly in school.”
For more information on the Good Diabetes Care in School Award and all the schools chosen visit: