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Our new report shows how young people with type 1 diabetes are driving change in the UK

We have launched a new publication sharing how our Together Type 1 community is positively impacting the lives of young people living with type 1 diabetes.

The report, titled Together Type 1 Stories of Change (PDF, 31,101KB), features accounts from across all regions and nations of the UK that show how young people are creating dynamic change in health services, social attitudes and political priorities.  

What is Together Type 1? 

Together Type 1 is a community for people aged 11-25 living with type 1 diabetes. With a strong youth empowerment approach, the programme puts young people in the driving seat. 

Funded by the Steve Morgan Foundation and run by Diabetes UK, Together Type 1 offers young people opportunities for peer support and group activities. The trained youthwork teams also deliver a wellbeing programme designed to provide psychological support. Those over 16 are invited to train as Young Leaders, to help shape activities and become advocates for people living with type 1.  

What is this new publication? 

Together Type 1 Stories of Change captures the impact of Together Type 1. Members of the Together Type 1 community, Diabetes UK staff and healthcare professionals have contributed to this new publication.  

The stories from Young Leaders show the impact they are having – from empowering campaigning to influence health care, to making changes to clinical environments – designed to make life better for people living with type 1 diabetes.  

Some of these stories were presented in a video earlier this year: 

What’s next for Together Type 1? 

These stories of change were collected at the end of the first year of full delivery of a 5-year programme. As the Together Type 1 community is starting to plan its third year of activity, all those involved hope to hear many more stories like this.  

We are excited to gather more stories of change over the coming years to show how incremental changes lead to positive lasting change for children, young people, their families and the health care sector. 

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